Geleneksel Koro Eğitiminde Dalcroze Yaklaşım Modeli

Dalcroze Approach Model in Traditional Choral Education

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  • Ebru KEMALBAY EREN Anadolu Üniversitesi Devlet Konservatuvarı Müzik Bölümü Bestecilik ve Orketra Şefliği Anasanat Dalı



Koro, Çocuk Korosu, Müzik Eğitimi, Dalcroze, Ritmik


Choral education, which is one of the important disciplines for developing students' individual and collective talents, gaining stage experience and strengthening community awareness, strengthens students' ties with music and plays a major role in the development of musical identity. Choirs, which used to be composed mainly of musicians, are now attracting great interest from different professional groups and ages. The increasing interest in choral music has become widespread both in our country and in countries all over the world, especially in Europe, which has led to the proliferation of national and international choral festivals and competitions.

In this study, traditional choral education with fixed seating arrangement and active and mobile choral studies based on Dalcroze's teaching were compared. In these comparisons, the positive and negative aspects of these two approaches were examined within the scope of their effects on the efficiency of the lessons, their effects on choral timbre, their contribution to musical expression and correct breathing. The effects of these approaches were observed in the choral lessons held with the secondary education students of Anadolu University State Conservatory Music Department in the 2022-2023 academic year. In the first semester of the training, studies were carried out with classical approaches and in the second semester with Dalcroze teaching approaches. As a result of these studies, it was observed that within the framework of Dalcroze's teaching, students' motivation and concentration in choir lessons increased, they were more enthusiastic about the lesson, they listened to each other better during the study, they expressed themselves better while singing, and their awareness of correct posture and singing position increased. It was observed that the students, who started to use their voices more brightly and effectively, made significant progress in terms of musical expression and timbre.


Keywords: Choir, Children's Choir, Music Education, Dalcroze, Rhythmic




How to Cite

KEMALBAY EREN, E. (2024). Geleneksel Koro Eğitiminde Dalcroze Yaklaşım Modeli : Dalcroze Approach Model in Traditional Choral Education. Trk Dergisi, 5(1), 1–21.