Potestar And Ceremony İmagology: On İnvestigation Of Kitab-i Dede Korkut Text

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  • Fərəh CELİL Bakı Avrasiya Universiteti




Turk, Epic, İmagology, Potestar, Ritualistic


The article is devoted to potestar and ritualist imagology in the book of "Dede Korkut".

The main purpose of the article is to look at the origins of the conflicts between the Oguz-Kipchak relations, which are reflected in the Dede Korkut epic, in line with the principles of imagology, which is an area of comparative studies. At the same time, it is to examine how the concepts of "self" and "the other" in the epic emerged from mythological-ritualist conflicts.

The other main tasks before the article is to reveal the concepts of "self" and "other" in Oghuz-Kipchak relations in both potestar and realist contexts during the epic study.

Comparative-historical and historical-cultural methods were used as research method. The scientific novelty of the problem reflected in the article is that it approaches the Oghuz-Kipchak issues, which are also reflected in the Book of Dede Korkut, from the concept of "self" and "the other". As for the novelty of the article, we should point out that for the first time in Dede Korkud's book, this problem was approached from the imogological context of the Oghuz-Kipchak relations from a potestar and ritualist point of view. The subject of the article is the legend of Dede Korkut. The subject is the approach to the Oghuz-Kipchak relations from the "self" to the "the other" problem from a potestar and ceremonial context. Approaching the subject from this context, the reasons for the problems of self and others arising from the issues and power issues recorded during the writing of the epic become clear.

It has been proven that the "self" "the other" problem arises in many ethnocultural norms, especially in clothing. The mythological-ritualistic expressions of this idea have also been clarified. 



How to Cite

CELİL, F. (2022). Potestar And Ceremony İmagology: On İnvestigation Of Kitab-i Dede Korkut Text . Trk Dergisi, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.7492839